The head of Network of industrial and mineral associations has emphasis on completion of partially completed units and units of activation and inactivation of potential private sector investors. Bijan Pnahyzadh in an interview with "ISNA" said: Four months ago, a letter of agreement, was sighed between The Small Industries & Industrial Parks Organization of Iran and a network of industrial and mineral associations to be installed ,in order of that,it was based on system to attract investors in complement ion of the semi-finished projects and inactive mining and industrial units.
The head of Network of industrial and mineral associations was emphasized on the necessity on completion of unfinished units, Activation of inactive units and the use of abilities of the private sector investors. Bijan Pnahyzadh in an interview with "ISNA" stated: Four months ago, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Small Industries & Industrial Parks Organization of Iran and a network of industrial and mineral associations. to be installed ,in order of that,it was based on system to attract investors in complement ion of the semi-finished projects and inactive mining and industrial units. He added; thus in a goal of completions of semi-finished projects and activation of semi-finished projects and units disabled this site was established as a experimental site with this address : WWW. IRANMIM.COM
The head of Iran's network of industry associations said : Applicants across the country could put all the semi –finished project and the inactive project in this site. After that the investors apply for choosing the designs and production units and go in negotiations. Pnahyzadh announced: in this site you could introduced the projects in the form of conveyance or rent to the applicants and investors. Now the information's of the semi –finished plants and inactive units are getting collected in all providences. It is recommended to the custodians sector of industries and mining to enter the information of semi –finished project and inactive unit. He expressed that by performing this plans and registering in investment of the sector of industry and mining, as a directive has been notified to all the Industrial Estates. He said Our aim of performing this project is to direct the investor to invest in the project unfinished and disabled units And prevent investment in projects which are saturated.
The head of Network of Industry Associations said: it should be used all of our ability and our thinking in order to complete semi-finished projects and disabled units. Because it creates employment ,economic growth in the country and increase the export and use of existing capabilities and prevent loss of resources and wealth in the industrial units. Panahizadeh added: helping the owners of semi finished work of industrial and mineral associations .nished project and disabled units through methods such as assigning or completing tasks are the duties network of industrial and mineral associations.